Weekly Workout

hawk fifty mile training | w9

Full of ups and downs…and miles!! With lots of late nights, fireworks, and fun, my runs sufferer a little…but I made it happen the best way I know how!

Weekly Workouts

Monday- After a full day of “rest”, little man and I headed out for a mile before the family and friends cookout and fireworks show!

Tuesday- It just so happens that my plan called for 4 miles on the 4th of July : ) An “easy” out and back on the flat back roads is just what my sore knees needed.

Why is it that flat courses feel harder than hilly ones?

Wednesday- Post late night #2…8 miles in the books in 99% humidity – no lies! I was surprised to see it when I checked my phone at 5am…

Thursday- My morning consisted of hitting the snooze, turning off my alarms with the intention of getting up with the next one (didn’t happen), woke up in a fright since I DIDN’T wake up with the last one…and then spent my morning doing dishes, making a hot breakfast, quickly packing up my lunch/snacks, doing 2 loads of laundry, and packing up my lunchtime workout bag…

So, off to the trails I go for a lunch run!

While I am not getting the needed miles today, I plan to just split my 8 miles today into tomorrow… 4 lunch trail miles today, 4 morning miles (hopefully!) tomorrow… It’s too hot for a super fast-paced run – 95 degrees (101 feel) – yuck!

Friday- Morning 4 to make up the difference from the missed miles yesterday.

While I am not an advocate of “making up workouts”, I would rather get in the necessary miles in any way I can. Rather than waiting until today to run the full 8-mile workout from yesterday, I decided to break it up into two 4-mile runs. While this is probably not how the training plan intended on me running the miles, I made it work. If I would have run the full 8 today, I may be more tired for my 22/10 back-to-back this weekend… Either way, it is done.

Saturday- Today is my group run for the week! The planned run is roughly 6 miles – then I run out and back 2 miles to make the full 10 for today! Since I ran late, I drove to the meet up location, ran one 6-mile loop, and then ran around the park a while to make up the last 4 miles.

I am saving my longer 22 mile run until tomorrow because the hubs can be home with little man while I head out to run the Konza : ) Lots of loops to come tomorrow!!

Sunday- Early morning at the Konza! I cannot start too early since the park has open/closed times and I always FAIL to get out on time…so was able to start close to 6:30 am – before many of the “sunrise walkers” came out. I planned on running round-and-round-and-round 2 of the 3 loops so A) I could get in some good elevation changes, and B) I wasn’t running the same loop more than 8 times (like I did for my 20 miler a couple weeks ago). 

Since I got out late, the heat hit me hard…and I am not sure my kidneys will ever make it through a long, hot run. Oh well, a lot of walking to keep my HR low-ish… I was able to get 19 of my 22 mile run in before the heat and lack of extra water got to me. Better luck next weekend!

…and tomorrow is a rest day! Make it happen!

Weekly Miles : 52 miles

1248 / 2,016 miles in 2016

Next Week’s Projected Workouts

Monday- OFF (cross training or yoga)
Tuesday- 4 miles
Wednesday- 10 miles
Thursday- 8 miles
Friday- OFF (cross training or yoga)
Saturday22 miles
Sunday- 10 miles

Check out some awesome #linkups this week!

Tweet: Check out the Weekly Workout Wrap via @livinglovingrun and other great #linkups! http://ctt.ec/dk91e+ #fitfluential #sweatpink #runchat

As always, there is the great Weekly Wrap link-up with Holly & Tricia! Also check out the #MotivateMe Monday with Lucie & Janiceand Courtney‘s weekly Training Recaps!

Check out the Tuesday’s on the Run gang as well: Patty,  Erika,Marcia! I am also linking up with Annmarie, Jen, & Nicole for Wild Workout Wednesday 🙂 Check out the Coaches Corner linkup with Suz, Rachel, Debbie, & Lora!

How did your training week go? What are you training for?

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and start a conversation!

More Ways to connect with Lindsey from LivingLovingRunner : 

Facebook > @livinglovingrunner
Instagram > @livinglovingrunner
Twitter > @livinglovingrun
Pinterest > @livinglovingrun
Bloglovin’ > @livinglovingrunner

26 thoughts on “hawk fifty mile training | w9

  1. Lindsey – Just have to tell you how proud Nancy and I are of you and your ability to run, run, run!! Very very proud to call you our daughter! Love Papa and Nana!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Mike! It means a lot ❤ I apologized to Matt the other day about being gone so long in the morning and he said, “Well, I got you into this…” I guess that makes sense b/c he gifted me the race registration 😜😜


  2. The Konza area looks really pretty and a nice place to run, but in that last pic I can see it’s not shaded. That section would be brutal on a long run! Good job getting in as many miles as you did!


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