Weekly Wrap Up & Happenings

water + running | Weekend Happenings


With a weird week of days on and off, the weekend came fast! While we stayed home, we found a lot to do (or not to do)! : )


My pre-weekend started with a short run…since I wasn’t able to get in my full 8 miles on Thursday, I ran 4 morning miles!

I headed off to work for the day – meals and snacks in hand : ) It was a busy day, which always makes the time go by faster!


When we got home, we couldn’t get in the driveway… I knew that our neighbor was moving, but I didn’t realize that he was PCSing to Texas… 

Oh well…I just parked across the street and walked up. When the hubs got home, he didn’t even think that we were there. Actually, we startled him a little : ) 

Little man and I ate some dinner and settled in for the evening. Of course, we needed to end the day with a mile around the block!

Since the sun went down fast, and it was a little cloudy, his Brilliant Reflective strips kept us be seen by the drivers! Not all streets have sidewalks, so we have to be on the side of the street… Good to know that we are shining bright!

Good day. Good night!


Good morning!

Well…sort of. Like most long run days, I start off with good intentions, my snooze button is too easy… I need a snooze button that hits me in the face or knocks me out of bed!

While my long run was “shorter” than usual, “only” 10 miles, I still needed to get up and get out fast if I was going to get it done! The heat is coming on earlier and earlier these days…

Rather than running to the group run start, I hopped into my car and made it within a few minutes of the first loop start. We headed out on the trails, circled around some commercial areas, and then back on the trail back to the start. I didn’t need anther full loop to finish my miles, so I stuck around the park, hit up the Bird Trail, ran out-and-back on a trail I shouldn’t have been on, and then headed back to my car!

Once I got home, I had a few minutes to settle in before little man was up and ready to start his day. We had some breakfast, played with the dog, read some books, played cars, and got dressed to head out for a little bit.

We headed out to the library for Saturday Storytime! This is something that we enjoy quite bit and takes up a little time : ) The theme was Dragons. There were a couple books with dragons in them, a couple dancing things, and we headed outside to blow some bubbles at the end! 

Once story time was over, we played around in the children’s area of the library. We played with the construction toys, colored some pictures, and played with the magnetic alphabet : )

Since it was around lunch time, we headed home for something to eat, a couple naps (1 for him, 1 for me), and some lazy time at home.

Later in the day, I spoke to our cousins about possibly heading out to the lake for the evening! Fun! After talking it over with the hubs when he got home from work, we headed out! We met up with one of the boats at the dock. Little man was SOO excited to get on the boats and play in the water! 

We spent a few hours out on the water, floating around (or rather me floating around holding little man above the water – dumb life vest), relaxing on the boats, going for a tube ride, and having great fun and conversations : ) We really love having family living close to us – it always makes for fun adventures!

We got home around 11 pm – everyone exhausted! I was ready to head to bed…because I need to hit the trails (hard) in the morning!

Tweet: Check out the #WeekendHappenings @livinglovingrunner and other great #linkups http://ctt.ec/bbO5H+ #fitfluential #sweatpink #ffcheckin


My morning alarms came WAY too soon…

And as always, I was running late, or later than I wanted…

I spent the next 5 hours on the trail – tough trail miles for sure. Looking back on my 20-miler a couple weeks ago, it was 15 degrees warmer.. Yikes! I am not yet prepared for long adventures in the hear and humidity. While the views were amazing, as always, my lack of enough water got to me…

I was able to gut out 19 miles of the 22 planned…and in the same time it took me to run 20 miles two weeks ago. I didn’t have enough water…so I will be making some changes to next weekend’s Konza trek. Same mileage next weekend, but with more vengeance! I will complete those 22 miles because my 50K is the following weekend – ekkkk!

After I left the trail with my tail between my legs, I headed home to pancakes and laziness. It was about time for little man to take a nap (also my nap time if I wanted it) and the hubs was heading out to watch the Royal’s game. 

Legs up wall, check.

Yoga toes, check.

Netflix, check.

Dinner, check.

Movie night, check.

And that was how the rest of the night went! Nothing exciting. Everyone was feeling the tiredness of being up late the night before…and I had a few miles on my legs to help in my exhaustion… 

Good day. Good night!

Tweet: Check out our Weekend Happenings with @dblred0728 and the other #linkups http://ctt.ec/70E71+ #fitfluential #sweatpink

How was your weekend? Have any exciting adventures? 

Check out some awesome #linkups this week!

There is the great Weekly Wrap #linkup with Holly and Tricia! Also, check out a couple other weekend updates with Meghan, Katie, the Tumbleweed Contessa, and Ilka and Angela’s Sunday Fitness & Food link up!

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and start a conversation!

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