Weekly Wrap Up & Happenings

“sick” & busy | Weekend Happenings

Due to being told I was sick on Friday, we still went all over town on Saturday and stayed closer to home on Sunday – all in a “sick” & busy weekend!


Since the weather forecast was already set for the weekend – so to attempt to avoid the chill and rain/snow, I got to the gym early for a longer run. 

When at the gym, I like to do a 1 mile run, 2 minute walk…otherwise, I get relatively bored just running forever 🙂

After the great run, I headed to the bathroom/locker room for a shower before work. Once I got out of the shower, I remembered that I was missing a sock in my gym bag! What?! 3 extra shorts, 2 extra shirts, 1 sports bra, gloves, snacks, the works…only 1 sock. Oh well. At least I had a wrap that I wore to the gym to make-shift a sock substitute for the day…

Another bonus for getting my long run miles in today, I hit my 500 miles for the year!

After my eventful morning, I wasn’t feeling all that great. First, I thought it was the crummy towels at the gym that always make my face hurt. I had a headache, my face didn’t feel quite right – hot, or cold…or just different. I took some ibuprofen to help with my head, which did for a little while. While on my lunch break, I decided to go over to the clinic. After a little conversation, typical first 5 minute tests (blood pressure, O2 test, temperature, questions, etc.), then I got to wait for the doc – more conversation and questions, talk of allergies, and then a flu test.img_3396

Final prognosis – Influenza B.

What?! I have had the flu before, this is nothing like the flu! I guess there are many strains of influenza and this is one that isn’t quite as bad, or something like that.

Day 1. I was sent home for 5 days…can’t go back to work until the middle of next week! Bah…

My next fear is little man also being sick…or worse, getting sick because I am sick! He has had some gross sneezes and some coughing this past week… So I called the daycare, picked him up early, brought him back to the clinic to also get tested. Guess what!? Negative. Good!img_3400

In pursuit of keeping my family from getting sick, I bit the monetary bullet and got everyone Tamiflu. Talk about a major hit to the bank account!! Who knew?! No one is allowed to get sick in our house ever again…

When we finally got home, we ate dinner and started playing!

Then the hubs came home, made up some dinner, and little man entertained dinner number 2…

The hubs headed out for the evening and little man and I relaxed for a bit before heading to bed for the night. Once I settled into bed, all the critters decided to join in the fun… All. Of. Them. (minus the tortoise and fish…)



While I still was able to wake up with my alarms, many alarms, I just didn’t really want to get out in the cold. I got up and played on my phone for a long time… As I checked the time, 5:25 am, I realized that I wasn’t going to make the first loop of the group run…oh well.

More app checking, feeds to refresh…and 6:15 am soon approached. I quickly decided to get dressed and head out to the second loop of the group run! Since the route started outside my door (basically), I was able to get dressed quickly and even run a mile before the group returned for loop two 🙂 Since the loop was a little longer than 6 miles, I ran an extra mile after the group run to make an even 8 🙂

img_3407-1Once I got home, little man was up and ready to start the day! We got dressed, snacked on a little breakfast, and got out for the day!

First stop, the Starbucks drive-thru.

Second stop, Varsity donuts. We were told that we were going to get towed if we parked in the only lot near the shop – I asked the guy if he could run to Varsity to grab me a donut for my kid. He then moved on to the next person parking where they shouldn’t have either. 

Little man took his usual time choosing the donuts for our box, but we took them all to-go – after all, we didn’t want to get towed…

The parking issue is only because of the big Aggieville Fake Patty’s Day Event – the weekend before the actual holiday is more for the college students because they will be on spring break during the main event. 

As for the parking situation, there were around 6 parking spots not blocked off by giant barricades. I still needed to park 1/2 a block from Varsity, get told I was going to be towed,…but we were still able to walk over, get our donuts picked out, and head back to the car (…which hadn’t been moved in the slightest). 

Third stop (which was really the first stop if we weren’t running ahead of schedule), the children’s consignment sale! The Saturday sales are 1/2 off and we can get a lot for less! My biggest pet peeve is when people try to consign their stuff for a pretty penny – really. Yeah, there is usually only a 65% return on a GOOD sale event, but don’t mark all your clothes at $5-10 with no discount (not 1/2 off on day two)… No offense. 

We made it out with :

  • shirts
  • pants
  • shorts
  • swim trunks
  • 1 toy truck
fresh lunch

We decided to drive around town for a little bit, went to see the hubs at work, went to the bank, took a drink back to the hubs, and then went to the Farmer’s Market 🙂

For whatever reason, there was a booking issue at the usual market location, so only like 10 vendors were pushed to a back room… While my kombucha brewer wasn’t able to come out, the cookie lady was there – which is all little man would like to have 🙂

By the time we got home, it was time for lunch and then time for little man to take a nap! I relaxed on the couch 🙂 A couple hours later, that familiar “momma? i’m up now!” Since I left the gate open, I talked him into opening the gate and coming down on his own 🙂 He was excited to sit next to Barley (the big fuzzy cat…) on the couch, cute!

img_3420Paisley was a little hurt that little man didn’t want to sit with her…on the floor 🙂

My next task for today was to start some more kombucha. I have brewed 4 batches of kombucha without issue…and now my SCOOBY started developing mold. Due to my moldy brew, I decided to try my hand at making my own SCOOBY…

When I first thought about making my own kombucha at the beginning of the year, I thought about making my own SCOOBY. Since I was able to get a great SCOOBY from a local kombucha brewer, that thought was put on the back burner.

Now that my SCOOBY is trashed, I need to start fresh! Since I was able to finally find an Original kombucha in town and the new SCOOBY process was started!


The hubs came home briefly to eat, change, and head out to a friend’s birthday party.

Since I have the flu, I decided not to go to the party – so little man and I sent along a video with the hubs to wish her a happy birthday (which he didn’t see on his phone until Sunday afternoon…so, yeah.)

Happy Birthday Lindsey!!

Once the hubs was gone, little man and I played for a little while. When the craziness was a little much, I propositioned him to a quiet show in our bed before his bedtime routine. Of course, he grabs his favorite pillow…who knew those nursing pillows would get use longer than just nursing…ha!

Good day. Good night!

Tweet: Check out the #WeekendHappenings @livinglovingrunner and other great #linkups http://ctt.ec/bbO5H+ #fitfluential #sweatpink #ffcheckin


Sunday started with a great morning run with Angie! We ran a little more than 8 miles together and I finished with 10 total 🙂

Once I got home, I was surprised to find little man already up and ready for the day! With the time change, he was up an hour earlier than he needed to be… Well, that calls for some coffee – a big one 🙂

After breakfast, little man kept wanting to smell my coffee 🙂 

We hung out on the floor watching some toons… kiddo, pup, and I

We enjoyed a little mango snack 🙂

img_3473Since the grandparents are on spring break this week, they wanted to take little man for a couple days. Nana came to Manhattan to surprise little man and take him back to KC for a couple days 🙂 We hung around the house a little while.

Once little man was gone, the hubs and I went to Starbucks for a little coffee time and to Menards. Yeah, I need some major brew to get through a Menards trip with the hubs…

When we got home, I made up a little lunch/snack – hummus (jalepeno, garlic, and red pepper), cole slaw, and sliced cucumber as chips 🙂 So good!

I sat down and started watching the Hunger Games movies – the hubs sat with me for a while, but ended up laying on the couch and wanting me to scratch his head, neck and back…typical 🙂

Before too long, we decided to head to the store to get a couple groceries. When Nana came by to get little man, she left us with some pulled pork and beans. We decided to make a pulled pork pizza 🙂 So good!

After dinner, we vegged out a little longer and then headed to bed.

Good day. Good night!

Tweet: Check out our Weekend Happenings with @dblred0728 and the other #linkups http://ctt.ec/70E71+ #fitfluential #sweatpink

How was your weekend? Have any exciting adventures? 

Check out some awesome #linkups this week!

There is the great Weekly Wrap #linkup with Holly and Tricia! Also, check out a couple other weekend updates with Meghan, Katie, the Tumbleweed Contessa, and Ilka and Angela’s Sunday Fitness & Food link up!

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and start a conversation!

More Ways to connect with Lindsey from LivingLovingRunner :

Facebook > @livinglovingrunner
Instagram > @livinglovingrunner
Twitter > @livinglovingrun
Pinterest > @livinglovingrun
Bloglovin’ > @livinglovingrunner

5 thoughts on ““sick” & busy | Weekend Happenings

  1. Running with the flu? You are a machine! I’m glad to hear your long run treadmill trick of walk breaks. I’ll have to try it – I can’t get myself to stay on much past 4-5 miles. Congratulations on 500!! And love your improvised sock!!


  2. That’s great that it was apparently not one of the killer flus. They can knock you out for weeks! And that no one else got sick.

    All my furkids always want to lay on me, but they get a bit nervous around each other so it’s usually only a couple. Although there were times, back in the days when we had 4, that I was covered in animals.


    1. If I would have white-knuckled through the rest of the day, I would have been fine…oh well. Our fur babies do well when they are tired and don’t pick fights…(there are two cats trying to kill each other as I type) 😂😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Simba was a terrible bully to Gizmo; Gizmo was very bonded to him, but he seems happier without him (aka not having to share the lap).

        The dogs don’t fight. The occasional snap, but that’s it. Of course, I also still keep a fairly close eye on Bandit.


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