Weekly Workout

…still running! | Weekly Workouts

Weekly Workouts Monday- no workout – unplanned “rest” day… I don’t mind “planned rest” days (even though I don’t always “rest”…) but the unplanned ones really do stink!! Tuesday- It truly feels like forever since I was able to run…even though it has only been a couple days. Funny how that works… I have been swamped at… Continue reading …still running! | Weekly Workouts

Weekly Workout

summer session w3 | Weekly Workouts

I am getting better about finding morning motivation…but a mid-week blood donation and weekend thunderstorms threw off the second half of my week. Oh well…I will probably combine this week’s miles and next week’s miles and divide by 2 to get an accurate weekly check…this week will be “small” and next week will have A LOT more. Not due to over training, but because I moved my long run to Monday when the weather allowed for it… Here we go!