Blog Hop · Giveaway · Ultimate Coffee Date

Ultimate Coffee Date | May 2016

Good morning everyone! Let’s chat! Join Coco, Deborah, and Lynda for the Ultimate Coffee Date link up!


Pick your poison! 

What are you drinking today? I am writing in the time machine…but I believe I will be drinking bulletproof coffee…I am going to need the extra boost of energy today! I went for a morning run, going to JC to pick up our Bountiful Basket for the week, there is a Car Show in the park, and a nap time somewhere in between! Busy weekend (or at least Saturday) ahead!

Looking for a great giveaway!

579d5-fun2bin2bthe2bsun2bgiveaway2bhopCheck out my Fun in the Sun Fitness and Healthy Living Giveaway Hop!

I am giving away 2 Momentum Motivate Wraps or Foot Note Charms to a couple of lucky readers!

Click the sunny image to the right to go to the hop!

Then, once you have entered my giveaway, you can use the link at the bottom to hop to the next blog and see what everyone is giving away!

Good luck!

If we were having coffee…

I would talk about my recent adventure with pacing my first half marathon at the Lincoln National Guard Half Marathon! While I didn’t have the opportunity to utilize a pacer much in the past, I am sure glad that people decided to run with me! If I had used a pacer in my marathon, I probably would have felt a little better…maybe next year!

I will be pacing the Scout Strong Challenge in KC (3:00) next weekend and the Bill Snyder Highway Half in Manhattan (2:30) the following weekend! Exciting times!

If we were sipping on some joe…

I would ask you, “How’s the family?” We are doing well in our neck of the ‘burbs… Little man is doing alright with potty training – if I say it is going well, I will live to regret it. We get sent home a few pairs of clothes a week that are soiled (mostly with #1) and I take that as a success! For a while, he wasn’t going #2 at home or at the sitter…and while I am a frugal person, those undies went straight into the trash…

dumptruckFunny story! Each kiddo at daycare has a “theme” of sorts when it comes to the bathroom business. If a kid is really into baseball, when they go #2, they “hit a home run”. Or if they love football, they get “a touchdown”…you catch my drift. Well…our little man LOVES cars, trucks, motorcycles, and the like. He REALLY LIKES a dump truck toy at daycare…so he goes to the bathroom to “dump his load” or “take a dump”…BAHAHAHA! I can’t hardly stand it…at least the verbiage won’t change too much as he gets older…

If we were chatting over drinks…

I would get sappy… My little boy is growing up too fast and Facebook tells me about it daily! While I would love for him to be able to go to the bathroom on his own and I wouldn’t have to still wipe his bum…I don’t want him to get too big too fast…

If we were chatting over coffee…

I would mention that I am going to pick up a few more relay stops on the United Relay of America in our area! While I only plan on running the Stage I originally signed up for (Stage #237), I will be biking from either Stage #233 (Abilene) or #234 (Chapman) to my stage. They have a shortage of runners through the less occupied areas of the US, and “middle of nowhere KS” is lacking runners support. At least I know that I did my part to keep the baton moving through our area!


 Tweet: Coffee this morning? Check out the Ultimate Coffee Date! #linkup #fitfluential #sweatpink @livinglovingrunner

If we were still putting up with each other over coffee…

I would ask if you have ever heard of Bountiful Baskets? We have been getting the baskets fairly consistently (when I am in town) and I don’t do nearly as much shopping throughout the week or weekends. While the items in the basket are a mystery, I have been doing a good job of making the best of my Pinterest recipe skills and make something relatively edible 🙂

We were told at the last pick-up that the Manhattan location was going to be moved and they were unsure of 1) the new location, and 2) they would be moving to an every-other week schedule in the Manhattan area. Whomp, whomp…

Well, this week, little man and I are heading to Junction City this week to get a basket! While the extra drive isn’t the most fun, I will be glad to have some healthy things in the house!

If we were hanging out we would chat about…

As a runner, we expect the unexpected when out for a jaunt. When a car is coming at me and not pulling aside, if I have the room, I will step off the road… When I am biking, I stay to the right side of the lane and take up as little room as possible…

The other day, I was driving home from work and there was a man riding his bike in the middle of the turning lane (the road is 3 lanes wide – northbound, southbound, and a center turning lane). I saw him from some distance and he couldn’t have had a care in the world… As I get closer, he must have seen that I was watching him like a hawk and he stares me in the eyes and then ACTS LIKE HE IS GOING TO THROW HIMSELF IN FRONT OF MY CAR.  (kind of like when you ACT like you are going to come at somebody, when you lunge forward…)  WHAT?! I didn’t swerve away…but REALLY?! I have no idea what he was trying to prove…but situations like this make me second guess the rap that some people give to runners and bikers on the road…

Well…that’s all she wrote – this week : )

Check out the other link ups!!

Any suggestions for potty training? Are you training for a upcoming running event? Have you ever used pacers in a race?

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and start a conversation!

16 thoughts on “Ultimate Coffee Date | May 2016

  1. I do love a race with pacers they are a lot of fun- good luck with your halfs! I haven’t done in potty training in decades but I do remember all the fun times! LOL! Enjoy your Mother’s day weekend and that great basket!


  2. Ok that guy on the bike just sounds disturbing! I drive a busy 4 lane suburban arterial to work and those guys are in the middle sometimes too. No helmet and they look sketchy. Maybe they don’t care…

    I loved your dialogue on potty training. I spend a lot of my day talking about that subject with the parents I see in my clinic! Dumping a load indeed!


  3. I have used pacers in 2 races and they were AWFUL….totally off oace, run g too fast and did not use anything to ensure that they were running at the right pace. Thankfully I had my garmin and knew to slow down and forget about the pacers. Finished right on my desired time and a goof3-4 minutes behind the pacer.

    I am sure you did amazingly and will do so next time as well!


    1. I heard some bad stories at the pacers table at the event expo and then again while in the corrals at the race. The group that we work with is pretty strict about feedback they receive… I will always give productive feedback when using a pacer in the future. Good or bad!


  4. Oh, I do not miss the potty training side of toddler days! Yikes on the crazy cyclist. I am too afraid to ride in the road but try to be a courteous towards cyclists when I’m driving — but they need to do their part too! Thanks for joining the link up!


  5. That is great that you are a pacer! How’d you get chosen to do that? I think it’s a real motivation when other runners are looking to you to pace them! As for the cyclist- been there- so weird! Some are just out to prove they “own” and we (normal runners/cyclists) just want to “share” [the road]…just like everything else in life, it comes down to what you learned in preschool!


    1. There is a local half marathon and they were looking for local runners that would be interested in pacing this year. After the initial interest, the group organizer contacted the pacers about their interest in other races 🙂 I’m pacing 3 this spring and 3 in the fall! I love when cars give me space when running or cycling…I don’t understand when people don’t take safety into account…


  6. I love that you are running the Untied Relay of America! Have fun! I wish it came closer to Minnesota because I would love to participate! I have used pacers twice and twice I PR’d. Both times the pacers were really good, I highly suggest them.


    1. I am excited to cycle and run the #UnitedRelay! Due to a lack of runners in KS, I will be cycling 3-4 stages and running the stage I signed up for. It’s good to hear good pacing stories – I heard more not-so-great stories…


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