Weekly Workout

hawk fifty mile training | w5


Since my 18 week training plan TECHNICALLY stated a few weeks ago…I jumped right in! I kept up my training through the first few weeks of this plan…but kept my eyes on the races I had at the time.

My long runs are quickly getting longer and longer…and I am so excited!! 

Weekly Workouts

Monday- Little man and I really enjoy our evening walks…but the heat is going to make it hard!!

Tuesday- A nice start to the day!

Wednesday- Happy fake running holiday! I am always willing to get out for a run – especially on Global Running Day : )

Thursday- A few easy, breezy miles to start the day!

Friday- A busy day…and busy evening – so Pai and I enjoyed a mile out to end the day and keep my #streakingwiththeCOOLkids streak alive!

Saturday- A beautiful start!

I started out a little later than I wanted…and I thought my Knuckle Lights may have been in my car. So I ran 1 mile out, 1 mile home, looked in my car,…no lights. Darn.

By this time, I decided to just drive out to the group run meet up area and just start the loop a few minutes early. I knew that the group would catch me…so I wouldn’t be too far behind by the end.

I ran 2 full loops of the group run and then an extra 2 out and 2 back for a total of 16 for the morning (remember the 2 from earlier…).

Sunday- A windy, WINDY start to the day – I headed out to the Konza Prairie for a couple loops!

My “couple loops” turned into me starting the Godwin Loop counter clockwise – which is more uphill than I thought… I basically ran an out and back – out 5 miles, then the 5 miles back : )

I almost lost my hat, several times. 

First run in my new trail shoes – feet hurt the first 2-3 miles and then worked out the kinks and felt alright the rest of the trip…

Weekly Miles : 43.5 miles

1054 / 2,016 miles in 2016

Have you entered my giveaway?? Enter today!!

Next Week’s Projected Workouts

Monday- OFF (cross training or yoga)
Tuesday- 4 miles
Wednesday- 6 miles
Thursday- 6 miles
Friday- OFF (cross training or yoga)
Saturday18 miles
Sunday- 10 miles

Check out some awesome #linkups this week!

Tweet: Check out the Weekly Workout Wrap via @livinglovingrun and other great #linkups! http://ctt.ec/dk91e+ #fitfluential #sweatpink #runchat

As always, there is the great Weekly Wrap link-up with Holly & Tricia! Also check Courtney‘s weekly Training Recaps!

Check out the Tuesday’s on the Run gang as well: Patty,  Erika,Marcia! I am also linking up with Annmarie, Jen, & Nicole for Wild Workout Wednesday 🙂 Check out the Coaches Corner linkup with Suz, Rachel, Debbie, & Lora!

How did your training week go? What are you training for?

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and start a conversation!

More Ways to connect with Lindsey from LivingLovingRunner : 

Facebook > @livinglovingrunner
Instagram > @livinglovingrunner
Twitter > @livinglovingrun
Pinterest > @livinglovingrun
Bloglovin’ > @livinglovingrunner

12 thoughts on “hawk fifty mile training | w5

  1. Congrats on your great workouts this week! I love your capris in the first photo – great colors! I’ll be sure to check out your giveaway!!

    Thanks so much for linking up for the weekly wrap.


  2. Solid week of training, Lindsey! I’m loving your grey Ultraboost X’s 🙂 My “training” is low mileage, slow pace and I guess delivering this baby in the Fall is my next race! That’s the big one on my calendar this year 😉


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