
January Runfessions

The first Runfessions of 2016! How has your year started? Are you training for 2016 races? What are your Runfessions for this past month??

This month has really flown by! My little man’s 2nd birthday is tomorrow…WOW! Where has the time gone! Thank you Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link up! Join in the fun and check out the other blog posts!


Tweet: Check out the monthly #Runfessions #linkup #running #sweatpink #fitfluential via @livinglovingrunner

I runfess…

I would rather get up super early to get things completed around the house than stay up later in the evening – laundry, dishes, picking up the living room, etc. If the house is relatively clean, the time it takes to tidy up is minimal and I can get out to complete my morning workout. Then there are days, like this past Wednesday where I emptied the dishwasher, refilled the dishwasher (not full, just put the sink dishes away), hung clean laundry, switched laundry, started a new load, folded toddler clothes (…the WORST…), picked up dog+child toys and clothes in the living room, cleaned off the bathroom sink, made my breakfast-coffee-lunch/snack bag, hung up the next load of laundry, switched the laundry, and started yet another load… Well. At least I finally caught up on a little laundry…

I runfess…

I am a slow, slow long run runner… I can only hope and train to quicken my pace, but that is going to be a long process. At this point, I am quite alright with my slow paced long runs – as long as I can get through the miles, I am alright with my snail speed!

I runfess…

Marathon training is going great! While I generally am running more than I should be, depending on the day and running workout, I am still feeling great.

I runfess…

Even If I get my marathon training run completed in the morning,…I will still go for an easy, recovery lunch run…especially on days that are beautiful! A 20 degree morning run…and a 40-50 degree lunch run,…yaaas!

I runfess…

I have never had a black toe nail. That being said…I think that I “lost” a toe nail a while ago. While the nail never fell off, it did get super thick. The other night I saw a nail file and I was thinking I could at least “file” it down a little… While I was filing it, a part of the nail just chipped off! What?! I wasn’t filing THAT hard! Wow…then more just started coming off and a new, pretty nail is below! There was a small snag that I pulled on, but it was not an area that was grown out enough and kind of hurt. Well…at least I will have a new nail soon! Hopefully…

I runfess…

I dislike getting out for a run that is less than a 5K time or distance… My “easy, recovery” run pace is not a 30-minute 5K, so I sometimes either 1) run a little longer than the scheduled workout to get the distance, or 2) start to run a little quicker than “easy, recovery” so I can get the distance in a closer timeframe… Is it really worth it to get the 5K on easy days? Oh well…

I runfess…

…I would also rather not get all bundled up to get out for a “short run”… The time it takes to get all of the necessary non-freezing clothes around, dressed, gloves, hats, baklava, etc. makes me want to go for a longer run!

I runfess…

I cannot wait to run my first marathon! I mean…yes, I CAN wait because I am not ready at this point… But I am getting super excited!


I runfess…

I am ready for spring… I don’t care for this dark, cold morning running…

I runfess…

I really want to hit my husband when he is excited for 12″ of snow – yep, the snow JUST melted from the last 4″-6″ we got last week and we are expecting 6″-12″ more next week… I know he likes winter for hunting and is excited to get some “snow camo”…but I would rather not run in the snow. Am I the only one?

I runfess…

I am well on my way to 2,016 miles in 2016 – but I have a feeling that it is going to be tougher to get my miles after this spring. I need to start thinking about my fall/winter races so I can stay on track with my running goals for the year!

I am also linking up with CourtneyCynthia, and Mar for the Friday Five (yes, there are more than 5 Runfessions listed…overachiever I guess).


Are you running 2,016 miles in 2016? Join me for the fun and challenge!

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and start a conversation!

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Tweet: Check out the monthly #Runfessions #linkup #running #sweatpink #fitfluential via @livinglovingrunner

36 thoughts on “January Runfessions

  1. I am ready for spring, too! I don ‘t mind the winter running…as long as the wind is minimal and the temps aren’t terribly frigid. It’s actually quite peaceful and serene at night, and the snow reflects much of the light from street lights so it’s pretty bright (even without moonlight). But, yes, we’ve had our white Christmas, time to move on 😉


  2. That is awesome marathon training is going so well for you! Don’t worry about slow pace on your long run. That is perfectly fine. You’re training endurance after all. I’ve been thinking of spring too. Supposed to be mild this weekend…..thanks for linking up!


  3. It IS such a pain bundling up for a short run! I did that today. 3 easy miles around my hood takes almost as long as bundling up!

    Like you, I also would rather get housework done early! By the time I get home from work, I just don’t have the energy!


  4. Your busy morning sounds like mine. I am such a morning person and often get up even earlier on weekends than I do during the week.


    1. I only get up earlier on the weekends (Saturday specifically) for my long run…I need to be home in time for the hubs to be at work by 9am…and with the little guy waking up anytime from 7-8am, I am out the door PRETTY early…


  5. I would much rather tackle anything in the morning, including a run. I’m tired after working all day…mostly mentally. But at that point, I just want to relax. I’m glad you are enjoying your marathon training. It’s all about endurance, not speed.


  6. Marathon training is so different than training for even a half marathon. The time commitment is huge but it sounds like you are being very wise to keep your long run pace easy. Too many first time marathon runners get injured by trying to push the long run pace.


  7. Good to hear marathon training is going well! And nothing wrong with being a “slow” runner! I do agree, I’d rather run long runs than shorter runs….4 is my preferred minimum!


  8. I’m the same way – rather do it early in the morning vs. late at night. Great to hear your marathon training is going well!


  9. I am so with you! I would rather run a long run than a short run any day! Also, there is nothing wrong with being a slow runner. I when I was training for my last 10 miler my coach had me running really slow (like sometimes I think I could walk faster) and I ended up running my fastest race, I ended up holding a pace a minute faster than I had in any other race. Good luck on your marathon!


  10. Having just finished my first marathon, I was so slow too but I did not care I had miles and miles to rack up! Being slow helped my body to recover faster too so I guess that is why I didn’t mind it. You are right, every single training run you do prepares you more and more for your marathon. There were several times I said I don’t know how I’m going to do this I can only do 15 or 18 but you know I was not supposed to do more than that then. On race day I was trained and prepared and YOU my friend will be too! Then you’ll be a Marathoner!!


  11. There are some coaches that would suggest it doesn’t matter how fast or slow your long run is (better slower than faster). My coach is in that camp. I have a pretty wide window for endurance pace, which is 1:20-2:00/mile slower than my 5K pace. And he tells me it is completely okay to go slower if I feel I need to. The long runs serve a different physiological purpose than the higher intensity workouts! And coach always says “don’t race your workouts.” He trains many elite runners and, while I’m not elite, I’m still seeing improvements. So, long story short – embrace the slow long runs and don’t worry about it!


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