
April Runfessions

Well, it is about that time again – Runfessions!! Like every month ends – how are we already at the end of April!! Let’s link up with Marcia and check out the other Runfessions for this month…


I runfess…

I ran my first marathon a couple weeks ago!!

I runfess…

I do not plan on running another marathon for a while………… At least until MAYBE this fall or next spring again. I need to get my shoe/insole situation under control before attempting the distance again.

I runfess…

Before running my first marathon, I had hopes and dreams that I would then be able to attempt a longer distance…for real, before I even ran the first 26.2! Now that is a distant goal…but it might be years before I attempt, and I am okay with that!

I runfess…

Since my marathon, I have felt a little lost on my workouts. I will be Smart Pacing 3 races in the next month and I NEED to figure out my rest/recovery/reboot schedule to make it through all of the events without missing a beat!

I runfess…

I want to lose the “marathon 10”, sooner than later…but the previously mentioned Smart Pacing events will keep me from giving it 100% of my effort. Any tips on losing weight without food deprivation? I plan to fuel my body to perform at my best… Curse you MARATHON 10!! In the past, carb cycling has been great, but I would rather not give up on the carbs (or cycle them in and out of my daily eating) until I get through the next month of races.

Tweet: Check out the monthly #Runfessions #linkup #running #sweatpink #fitfluential via @livinglovingrunner

I runfess…

I really HATE working out in my living room…not because of 1) the dog trying to maul me, 2) my cats trying to get an extra backrub, 3) tripping or stepping on small toys, or 4) the fear of waking up little man upstairs…but just because I would rather not be sweating it out in my LIVING ROOM. Someday, some sweet sweet day, we will be in a different house…and it WILL have a room or area for my fitness endeavors and visual fitness motivations.

I runfess…

When I hear a dog barking along my running route, I get my game face on! I have read so many stories about people getting attacked by dogs…and I am just not going to let it happen to me, at least without me putting up one heck of a fight! Like yesterday’s morning run, I hear the deep bark of a big dog, and then I noticed that their gate was open (probably from the crazy wind and storms the night before) – GAME FACE ON! I was ready for some animal to come bolting out of that yard…nothing happened, but I was ready! Granted, I am probably going to get bit by a stealthy dog sneaking up on me rather than the loud one… But I will still be ready to throw down!

I runfess…

I need to find my running mojo…

I runfess…

I need to stop opening e-mails from local running companies…too many good deals and too many races that I am SO CLOSE to entering! I just need to save my money and see what the fall entails…

I runfess…

Speaking of races… Check out the United Relay of America live race starting this week and May The 4th Be With You Virtual Race I posted about this past week!

What are your Runfessions for this month? How do you get out of a running funk? Are you running any RnR races this year?

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and start a conversation!

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12 thoughts on “April Runfessions

  1. Congrats on your marathon ! I ran my first almost a month ago and while I walked and ran/walked a ton for 3 weeks afterwards for recovery, I am so not motivated to re-start a training cyle.

    I am not a fan of working out in my living room either, except for stretching.


    1. I am not motivated in the least to start a full blown training cycle… This month will be interesting with all of the weekend events. I just need to try to keep my legs “fresh” and move when I can, constant taper-mode for the next month…


  2. congrats on your 26.2!!!!! Getting out of a funk is a very personal thing….and having spent the past several months (I assume) training for your marathon, your body and mind both probably need some down time. What works for me if my mojo needs recharged is I try to find others to motivate or inspire….helping them to see what running is all about will reignite some of that fire in you as well. I have found it’s pretty great to help others reach new goals and milestones….I almost get more satisfaction in watching OTHERS succeed. 😉


  3. I struggled with the marathon 10 after my first marathon, too! The good news is, it only seems to happen once, I didn’t gain another 10 in later marathons!

    Good luck figuring out the shoe thing, your feet don’t look happy in that picture! 😦


    1. I’m sure it will come off with a little time and a little less eating…I think I am going to wait just a little bit since I have several half marathons coming up. This summer will be a good time to try a little harder between training plans 🙂


  4. Congrats Marathoner! That is one ginormous medal! I think it’s totally natural to feel a little “directionless” afterward so cut yourself a break and bask in the glory a bit. I’ve had dog attacks but thankfully, knock wood, have not been bitten. I friend of mine had a Rottweiler run out and clobber her from the back. She thought she was being assaulted. Turns out he was friendly and wanted to play. I’d have a heart attack. Thanks for linking up!


  5. Congratulations on your Marathon!! Virtual high five for you!!

    And the first rule of the Marathon club, is We tell everybody we ran a marathon! JK

    I hope you find your motivation to keep running soon!


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