
November Runfessions


How is it already the end of November!? This month has flown by…and we are almost in the last month of the year! Well, that just means that it is time for November Runfessions with Marcia! What is a Runfession you ask? It is a chance to spill your fitness (running, swimming, walking, cycling, etc.) secrets and cleanse your soul J What could feel better than that?!


I runfess…

I am the slow and steady runner at the back of the pack when running with the group on Saturday mornings. Yeah, I am not ashamed. In some cases, those mornings I am supposed to be putting in 10+ miles – and my slow and steady pace is what I need. I am pretty good about remembering the route, but I am sure glad to see the group every couple miles when they stop for me to catch up a little!

I runfess…

I have not been listening to my “MOVE” vibration on my Garmin as much as I would like to – really, since we have been slammed at work, I hardly listen to it anymore! I really need to get up and stretch my legs often so I don’t get too sore after those morning runs!

I runfess…

I have not been running in the morning at all lately – this is my time to run! I have been hitting the snooze button and just making up my workouts over my lunch hour. This works quite a bit of the time…but as some of those longer runs creep back into my schedule, I will NEED to get those workouts completed in the morning hours!

I runfess…

I drink too much coffee! I need to find a GOOD decaf blend to drink – because I really drink it for the LOVE of the taste. I could go every day without the caffeine, really, I could! I find myself craving the coffee w/creamer taste later in the day and not for a pick-me-up – but just because I enjoy the warm, coffee/creamer taste. Coffee probs…

I runfess…

I have yet to sign up for my first marathon. Yep, I am still putting it off. I would love to be able to sign up before the next price increase next week, but I am not sure if I will pull the trigger!

I runfess…

I was relatively disappointed with my finishing time in my last ½ marathon of the year (a couple weeks ago). I was pushing myself for a new PR and I think that I just wasn’t ready for it yet.  I hope that with doing some additional cross training and yoga this winter, I will be a stronger runner for next year. I will break a 2hr – ½ marathon time and I will enjoy my first marathon experience!!

I runfess…

I have total runners envy every time I see amazing race experiences and awesome finishing swag! I. Want. All. Of. The. Metals.

I runfess…

My husband has yet to hang my medal display – and there is a pile of metals that are waiting to not be on the floor! I hope that it is hung soon so that I can revel in my accomplishments and feed off that energy on my morning runs! (I could use any and all the encouragement in the morning these days…)

What are your runfessions this month?

Do you have metal envy?

How much coffee do you REALLY drink?

I love hearing from you! Please and thanks for taking the time to comment.

14 thoughts on “November Runfessions

  1. I drink SO much more coffee than when I started! a mere 4-6oz used to scramble my brain. Now? I drink almost a 6C pot every day. I find it delicious too! Thanks so much for linking up!


  2. Oh dang I drink a biiiiiig cup of coffee in the morning. It is spread out before my run, after my run, and during breakfast. It’s iced coffee so I can take my good old time with it! I don’t really care about medals, mine are hanging on the same hook I hang my belts in my closet! But I can see how it would be motivating to see them every morning before a run.


  3. Oh, no no no. Are you saying coffee is a bad thing? Does.not.compute.

    I runfess, I’m not getting up much at work right now either! My Fitbit is sitting pretty useless on my wrist. It’s just so busy, plus with my foot injury, it’s not happening right now. My hips can tell I’m sitting a lot!

    I like a good medal too. But, some have gotten huge!


  4. I can totally relate to your comment about the coffee even though I’m not a coffee drinker. I LOVE the smell, but I just can’t develop a fondness for the taste. But, chai latte’……I can drink that stuff all day. I seriously don’t need the caffeine (though it’s a definite perk), but the taste is SOOOO divine. (Unfortunately, it does have a lot more calories than coffee…and a LOT more sugar). I also can sympathize with your runners envy….I had a busy summer, so I took it easy with my fall schedule (meaning, I didn’t have a full marathon this season). Oh, there were so many times I almost cracked and registered for a full…but I knew my body need the R & R, so I resisted. Great to meet you through the Runfessions link-up 😉


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